SHISHIKARIMON-NISHIKI Guardian Gods hunting Lion Silk textile artisanship were at its hight already 2000 years ago in China at the time of Han-Dynasty. Warp Brocade (design worked out by warp only) are one of its representative form. Some of this particular art brocade were brought to Japan at the time of Tenpyo-era, and well kept untill now as the imperial treasure. Among them, Shishikarimon-Nishiki, which has been kept in the hands of Iloryuji monastery in Nara, is considered to be the most notable piece with
居ました。経糸の錦(経錦)はその一つの現れで、隋唐と伝わり、 我国の推古天平の残錦に現存して居ます。国宝法隆寺伝世の四天王 狩猟文錦は、その中でも雄渾な構想の逸品で、三軍を指揮する錦旗 に用いられたと思われます。その雄図を経婦に写したのがこの錦で 文中に、天馬に跨がる波斯騎士が獅子王を射むとする情景を中央 に、希猟パルテノン神殿にのこる唐草を四隅におき、向背のを以て古錦の風を奪おうとしたものであります。
Guardian Gods hunting Lion
Silk textile artisanship were at its hight already 2000 years ago in China at the time of Han-Dynasty. Warp Brocade (design worked out by warp only) are one of its representative form. Some of this particular art brocade were brought to Japan at the time of Tenpyo-era, and well kept untill now as the imperial treasure. Among them, Shishikarimon-Nishiki, which has been kept in the hands of Iloryuji monastery in Nara, is considered to be the most notable piece with